Spotting The Signs That Your Above-Ground Pool Might Need Repairs

Posted on: 9 November 2023

Owning an above-ground pool is a great investment in your home, but it doesn't come without the need for the occasional pool repair job. Luckily, if you catch most pool repair needs early, they're easy to have done and they won't cost you a lot of money in the process. 

It's important to know the signs your pool needs professional care. Here are signs you need pool repair on your above-ground pool. 

Sign 1: There's a Leak

One of the most obvious signs is a leak. If you're topping up the water more often than usual, you could have a leak on your hands. Look for wet spots around the pool or patches of extra-green grass. They're telltale signs of a leak.

Sign 2: The Pool's Looking a Bit Green

Now, if your pool's starting to look like a swamp, that's another sign. Algae love to grow in pools, especially if the filter isn't doing its job. So, if you've got a green pool despite regular cleaning and chemical treatments, it might be time for a filter repair.

Sign 3: Uh Oh, That Doesn't Sound Right

Your pool's pump and filter should make a regular, consistent noise. If they're making strange sounds or no sound at all, it's a sign something's not right. You'll want to get it checked out before it leads to bigger problems.

Sign 4: Loose Fittings

Loose fittings and fixtures are another sign your pool needs some attention. If ladders, railings, or other attachments are wobbly, it's time for a repair. You don't want anyone getting hurt!

Sign 5: Cracks and Tears

Lastly, check your pool's liner for cracks, tears, or splits. They're not just unsightly ā€” they can also lead to leaks. And if the damage is bad enough, you might need to replace the liner.

Taking Action: What's Next?

So, you've spotted one or more of these signs. What's next? It's time to call in the pros. They'll diagnose the problem and get your pool back in shape in no time. Don't try to fix your pool yourself as you can get yourself injured or damage your pool in the process. A professional pool repair technician is worth the investment. 

Keeping Your Pool in Tip-Top Shape

Remember, it's all about keeping your pool safe and enjoyable. So, pay attention to these signs. If your pool needs a repair, tackle it head-on. You'll be back to enjoying your backyard oasis before you know it!

Contact a pool repair technician to learn more. 
